Welcome to MAPfrappe, my interactive site for cartographic “mixtures.” I started this site in 2006 so I could explore various geographic relationships. The site has the following interactive pages:
Move Outlines (for modern browsers) - A tool for comparing sizes of various cartographic features in different parts of the world. You draw outlines on one map, and a separate map shows you the outlines overlaid on other parts of the world.
Iso-LonLat - A tool for comparing longitude and latitude of points of interest around the world. You click on one map, and the page shows you other places in the world that have the same (or opposite) longitude and latitude.
As time goes by, I hope to add other interactive mapping pages to this site.
I hope you like what I've got so far. Please send comments to me at the address at the bottom of this page.
— Kelvin Thompson
Unfortunately, MAPfrappe no longer supports small-screen devices such as phones. Please use a tablet, laptop, or desktop system to access this site.
Aside from device size restrictions, my site has the same base requirements as Google Maps. Click here to see those requirements.
Unsupported browsers:
Frappé is the French word for “shaken.” It’s also a blended coffee beverage invented in Greece. Wikipedia discusses several uses of the word here.
People in the Boston area also refer to a milkshake as a “frappe.” They pronounce it “frap,” to rhyme with “map.” I invite visitors to pronounce “MAPfrappe” any way they like, but I pronounce it like the Boston folk, as “map-frap.”
If you have some comments about this site, I would love to hear from you at this email address:
But I may change this address someday if it gets too much spam. Check back here for the latest address each time you want to write.
Copyright © 2024 by Kelvin Thompson. All Rights Reserved.